The below list consists of common symptoms of anxiety. Some of the symptoms maybe coused by other health related issues. Please self evaluate by writing down your observations. They will serve us to better understand your anxiety patterns in a session.
• tension of the muscles in the neck, shoulder, and legs, hands, arms, chest, back, and belly, tension from head to toe
• restless legs
• belching, bloating
• dry mouth and throat
• chest pain, confusion
• tension in ears (problems hearing)
• clenched jaws
• tunel vision, problems with sight, blurry vision
• dizziness
• light-headedness
• muscle spasms in the hands and feet
• numbness and tingling in the arms or around the mouth
• palpitations
• sleep disturbances:
• The length of time it takes to fall asleep (sleep latency). A sleep latency of more than thirty minutes is generally seen as a problem. Very often, such a long sleep latency is caused by a patient’s ruminating about everything and nothing. • Waking up a lot during the night and taking a long time to fall asleep again. • Waking up too early and not being able to get back to sleep. • Waking up feeling un-refreshed.
• light-headedness, paraesthesia (tingling or numbness, skin crawling, or itching) and fainting
• shallow breathing, shortness of breath
• A rapid and shallow breathing during galloping speech with many speech pauses. These patients mainly use their upper thorax while breathing. Their inhalation is shallow, therefore the air doesn’t last long and maximum lung capacity is not established. As they have to inhale sooner, they increase their speech pace as well as the frequency of their speech pauses.
• A shallow or normal inhalation before starting to (galloping) speak, no exhalation during speaking, quick exhalation, and quick (deep) inhalation (with a kind of hissing noise) during speech pauses.
• headaches
• vaginal dryness
• constipation, diarrhoea
• IBS (irritable bowel syndrom) often experience alternating episodes of constipation and diarrhoea
Assessment of manifestations of cognitive/perceptual patterns:
• Disturbances in thought processes (incoherent, delayed, accelerated).
• Disturbances in thought content (disturbed orientation towards time/place/persons).
• Disturbances in perception (alterations in acuity of visual/auditory perception, tunnel vision, tinnitus, hallucinations, dissociation).
Sympathetic reactions:
dry mouth and throat, dry eyes, vaginal dryness, sweating in armpits, sweating of the palms, cold hands, blushing, acceleration of heart rate and force, shivering.
Parasympathetic reactions:
light-headedness, drowsiness, dizziness, fainting, constipation, diarrhoea, urge to urinate, nausea, over-secretion of digestive hydrochloric acid in the stomach, wobbly legs.