
Piotr Szmyt professional affiliation APPSI

I obtained my professional training in The Portuguese Association of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. I continue to supervise my work with senior psychotherapists: Miguel Moita and Bernardo Couto from Associação Portuguesa de Psicoterapia Psicanalítica.

According to APPSI’s website


APPSI is a private, non-profit, indefinite-term association whose object is the study, dissemination and practice of psychoanalytic psychotherapy, as well as the training of psychotherapists to ensure a high level of service. of psychotherapeutic care. APPSI was founded in 2005 and operates as a psychoanalytic psychotherapy school, embodying contemporary perspectives in psychotherapy and psychoanalysis, through the training of psychotherapists, provision of psychotherapy services, supervision and institutional consultancy in mental health as well as initiatives such as congresses and conferences, scientific sessions, film cycles, among others. In a historic moment of deep social crisis and of psychoanalysis itself in Portugal, APPSI plays an important role in recreating itself as a place where psychoanalytic study, knowledge and practice can make a difference, both among psychotherapists and in relation to people. who are looking for us. The “relational” perspective, by integrating and expanding the immense heritage of “classical” psychoanalysis, and going beyond, projects itself towards the Other, to find and welcome him, to respect and trust him, to help him to be who he is and who wants and can become, and where the psychotherapist is also subject, first of all, in the assumption of this enormous responsibility. The study and deepening of relational models and perspectives open the spaces of psychoanalytic theory and practice to new organizers of the analytic experience, more open, flexible, dynamic and intersubjective. Part of the difference is made in a greater involvement of the person-psychotherapist, with all the demands that this implies in terms of his personal and training process. And the difference will then also be made, for themselves and for the Other, of hope and experience of a better analysis, of a better life, of a better society. APPSI maintains a close relationship with the International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy, through the Portuguese Section, IARPP Portugal, as an associated centre.

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